Increasing Glory Day 2 & a bit of 3

Anonymous Reply 8:00 AM

Wow. There is very little else to say. When you experience the Glory of God, you are left with very little to say. All you can do is stand in absolute of awe of the Most Holy God who loves His children so deeply and passionately that He sent His only Son to make a Way for us to be with Him.

With all the final preparations and late nights, it finally happened. Wednesday morning, 9:20am (about there) Fini, Isi, their son Jordan, Bonnie Rufus and Wayno opened up Increasing Glory 2009 leading the people into the Throne room of Heaven. You could feel the atmosphere of faith and expectation! Dancing, jumping, shouting, roaring, as the children of the Most High worshipped their Father with reckless abandon. And He invited us into the Most Holy Place. The Glory of God in the place was tangible.

As I was lost in His Presence, I remember feeling the Cloud of His Glory upon me, and I knew something was happening. I opened my eyes just to see what it was and Isi was dancing on stage in the most incredible way! And this was only the first session of musical worship. (I don't like to just term it "worship", because our whole lives are worship, but you know what I mean!)

Rob Rufus led us into a time of preaching, as He expounded the Scriptures in His typically passionate and intense way. Operating fully in the mantle of anointing God has placed upon His life. Typically, his words were like holy fire breathing life into hundreds of dead bones, and re-igniting passion in hundreds more! His first session was primarily an introduction to the conference, where he explained the Power of the Gospel, and its importance in opening up a new Way into the Most Holy Place. (Hebrews 10)

Incredible, almost 3 hours passed (with a tea break in between) as people responded to the free gift of Righteousness imputed to all who accept Christ as Saviour!

That evening was just as powerful. The time of "musical worship" with Bonnie was again a time of God drenching us in His Presence, times of transformation before His Throne. Rob then continued with some of the most in depth, intense and gripping preaching. God was at work breaking the bondage of legalism the devil had on His people. Again, people responded to the Preaching of the Message of the Gospel as it was expounded, explained and applied. This time, it was far more specific, as people came forward desperate to be set free. And they were!

It was all so overwhelming. God was doing such a deep work in so many lives. And He isn't finished yet!

This morning (Thursday) the same team as yesterday morning (except this time including Brad Klynsmith, what a joy to watch) led us into a place where all eyes were fixed on the King. He began to move again! Continuing the waves of freedom and liberation!

Isi then shared the most incredible testimonies of what God wanted to do with His people as He shapes us into a people of His Glory. A people who operate from the Place of intimacy with Him. Fini then shared some of His insights into Kingdom living. Unbelievably it all went straight through the scheduled tea time past 12pm! 3 hours of deep ministry! People responded once more, and the Holy Spirit poured out His Wine as people of Him. If we are to be a people who represent Him in every area of our lives, the best state to be in is intoxicated with Him! After all, it's how the first church started out for goodness sake!

And this is only the first 30 hours. We aren't even halfway. A number of people have asked me if they can come to at least one session if they haven't registered. While we don't want to turn people away, we also need to honour those that have paid money to have a seat. So if you do come to just one session, then please respect these people by sitting in the "overflow area" in our "coffee bar" section, and soak it all up from there. Otherwise... we will be having a celebration meeting on Sunday night at the same venue with Rob and the team. All are welcome! But be there early!

I will try to keep this updated as regularly as possible, but I can't promise anything! I hope this has blessed you in some small way.

To Him be the Glory forever and forever. For only He is worthy.

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