Are You An Idealist?

James Preston Reply 6:30 AM
Last week amazed me.  I sat at a coffee shop wondering what to write, and all the talk was Oscar Pistorius.  I was intrigued on the story and thought to write my perspective.  The response was overwhelming!

The response was mostly encouraging, but what amazed me were the amount of people who were so quick and seemingly happy to assume his guilt (of premeditated murder) and anything that challenged this opinion was rejected outright.

In light of that, I would like you to read my belief in the future of mankind.  You may ask what it has to do with last week's story, but I actually think it has much.  Have a read, and may it inspire you.  If not, please go your own way in peace.


I am an idealist.  I see the best in people.  I trust them.  I believe what they say even when it seems too good to be true.  I believe the world can be a better place.  I believe we can change the world for the better.  I believe people will put aside their disagreements and choose to walk together to accomplish great things.

I believe mega corporations will clear up the cloudy air of "profit-at-all-cost" mindsets and operate with the environment, employee and consumer in mind.  I believe political parties will stop the mudslinging and choose to focus on what needs to be done instead of choosing to slate what hasn't.  I believe.

I believe we will see a day when cars can indeed run on pure water, and tyres never wear down.  Computers won't crash and bandwidth will be free in every country on Earth.  I believe engineers will produce never-ending batteries and clothes that don't age.

I believe cancer will be a thing of the past and HIV a virus for the history books.  I believe there will be a day when no one will ever go hungry and all will have free access to the highest quality education.  I believe there will come a time when everyone has a home of comfort with protection from the wind and rain.  I believe we will stop "global warming" and natural disasters will be preventable even at meteorological level.  I believe...

You may call me a lunatic living in a realm of fantasy.  But it is such fantasy that motivates me.

What do you believe?

I believe Jesus when He said "all things are possible".

Will you believe with me?


What do you believe?  Are you an idealist as much as I?  Am I living in a dream world?  Or is an Earth like this possible?

Next week I reveal an extremely exciting exclusive article with our first guest blogger!  Phil Drysdale from the United Kingdom and former staff member at Bethel Church, California.  Be sure not to miss next week's post on Wednesday morning!

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