Prophetic Signs and Symbols - Language of the Spirit
Most people will see this post as weird, silly or too far out there. That's ok, because I understand most people don't have the child-like mind Jesus encourages us to have if we are to experience all of His Kingdom here on Earth. But yesterday, God spoke to me clearly in the most exciting way I have ever experienced! And I just have to document it, because I feel a number of my readers may come across this specific post after having something similar happen to them.
What I am talking about has been termed "the language of the Spirit" by the prophets of today. I was first introduced to this way in which God speaks to us when going through Bethel's school of supernatural ministry material. In fact, Bethel speak about it quite often. In Kris Vallotton's recent book "Heavy Rain" (which I have already touched on in a previous post here) he talks about what God is doing in the nations, and mentions how God was confirming this new move in his church's life with some prophetic symbols; the language of the Spirit.
In their case, they were having some very strange encounters with Owls. Yes, Owls. On one occasion, the night before Kris was about to speak and mention the language of the spirit and specifically owls, a member of their congregation was driving home and an owl was in the middle of the road and wouldn't budge. He eventually took it home! On another occasion, Kris prophesied over an unchurched business man, and after the prophecy the man went on to have a number of very strange encounters with Owls.
Now, the language of the Spirit doesn't always involve animals, and when it does, it is not always owls. But I use these examples because of what happened to my wife and I on our way home from church last night.
Firstly, when I read these encounters in Kris' book "Heavy Rain", I had a real desire to have God speak to me in such a way, specifically with owls (for what they represent, which I will touch on later). A few months later, God did start speaking to me in such a way. Not through symbolic animals though. But I realised God most certainly is speaking all the time, and we just need to have our spiritual senses awakened and we will start to "hear"!
Then, during our first ever Highway School of Supernatural Ministry, we had a testimony of a prophet in our church who had an owl outside her window every morning for the past few mornings! I couldn't believe it! God was speaking again!
Then! This week, I was going through some of my books in my book collection. I hadn't read anything lately, so I was just flipping through "Secrets to Imitating God" by Bill Johnson just to remind mysel what it said. The first page I land on speaks about how God speaks to us through the language of the Spirit, and he specifically used an example of symbolic animals! Immediately my mind thought of an owl.
So, yesterday morning, after church, a number of people were having coffee after the service in our garden area, and suddenly a chameleon walks across the garden! They called me and I knew God was speaking to us, just confirming what He is up to. Again, I was reminded of an owl.
And then last night in the evening service, Jimmy Duguid let all heaven break loose and the River of God was flowing like a Torrent! Just before He called everyone up, a moth flew directly in front of him from one side of the stage to the other. Coincidence? I think not.
The ministry after Jimmy's sermon involved some powerful encounters with God! A Fire Tunnel meant everyone had a fresh touch of Heaven's Wine. And then me... Well, toward "the end" of the night I decided to go through the Fire Tunnel myself (I was praying for people) and I walked past Janet Wheeler he prophesied "make him drunk, Lord. He can't do this job sober!" Now, let me tell you, I have been consumed with the Love of Heaven before, but never like that! Last night, for the first time in my life, I was too drunk to drive home! It was incredible! God was ministering deeply to me, and I lay on the floor till the last few people in church.
So my friend Andrew and my wife carry me to the car, and my mind is completely set on the things of Heaven. Suddenly, as we turn on to Old Main Road in Pinetown, approaching the nearest Traffic Lights directly in front of the church, there... sitting on one of those traffic lights IS AN OWL!!!!!
I couldn't believe it!! Corinne did a U-turn to go back and check it out, and sure enough, it must've been the biggest Owl I have ever seen! Sitting on a traffic light directly outside our church in central Pinetown after one of the most amazing church services ever! Yep, God was confirming a whole lot!
It was unbelievable. I cannot even begin to describe the excitement I felt when I saw that Owl. I had been thinking about owls since reading the passage of the book earlier in the week. Then the chameleon. Then I actually see an owl! I was (and still am) so excited for what God is saying in this significant time.
What is it that He is saying? Well, firstly, the prophetic significance of an Owl is that it represents the "apostolic". An owl can see things from a distance in very dark places. And it hunts rats. The church is moving into an age whereby they will go into the so called "darkest places" and see exactly what needs to happen for Heaven to invade those situations. And they will hunt the "rats" of this age, the forces of darkness. The Kingdom of Heaven is coming like a flood, and the forces of darkness no longer have anywhere to hide!
I believe the chameleon we saw in the morning represented the changing season our church was in. The moth represented people flocking to us, the Light, for deliverance, healing and salvation. And the Owl represented the purpose we were moving into: An apostolic focus whereby each and every member of the church will know they are sown like seed into the world, ready to terrorise the servants of darkness and usher in the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I think about it, I just get so excited! As I have said only this week on my Facebook page... "Aslan is on the move."
God is speaking all the time. We just need to listen! May you hear and see what it is He is saying to you today, and may it change your life forever!
What I am talking about has been termed "the language of the Spirit" by the prophets of today. I was first introduced to this way in which God speaks to us when going through Bethel's school of supernatural ministry material. In fact, Bethel speak about it quite often. In Kris Vallotton's recent book "Heavy Rain" (which I have already touched on in a previous post here) he talks about what God is doing in the nations, and mentions how God was confirming this new move in his church's life with some prophetic symbols; the language of the Spirit.
In their case, they were having some very strange encounters with Owls. Yes, Owls. On one occasion, the night before Kris was about to speak and mention the language of the spirit and specifically owls, a member of their congregation was driving home and an owl was in the middle of the road and wouldn't budge. He eventually took it home! On another occasion, Kris prophesied over an unchurched business man, and after the prophecy the man went on to have a number of very strange encounters with Owls.
Now, the language of the Spirit doesn't always involve animals, and when it does, it is not always owls. But I use these examples because of what happened to my wife and I on our way home from church last night.
Firstly, when I read these encounters in Kris' book "Heavy Rain", I had a real desire to have God speak to me in such a way, specifically with owls (for what they represent, which I will touch on later). A few months later, God did start speaking to me in such a way. Not through symbolic animals though. But I realised God most certainly is speaking all the time, and we just need to have our spiritual senses awakened and we will start to "hear"!
Then, during our first ever Highway School of Supernatural Ministry, we had a testimony of a prophet in our church who had an owl outside her window every morning for the past few mornings! I couldn't believe it! God was speaking again!
Then! This week, I was going through some of my books in my book collection. I hadn't read anything lately, so I was just flipping through "Secrets to Imitating God" by Bill Johnson just to remind mysel what it said. The first page I land on speaks about how God speaks to us through the language of the Spirit, and he specifically used an example of symbolic animals! Immediately my mind thought of an owl.
So, yesterday morning, after church, a number of people were having coffee after the service in our garden area, and suddenly a chameleon walks across the garden! They called me and I knew God was speaking to us, just confirming what He is up to. Again, I was reminded of an owl.
And then last night in the evening service, Jimmy Duguid let all heaven break loose and the River of God was flowing like a Torrent! Just before He called everyone up, a moth flew directly in front of him from one side of the stage to the other. Coincidence? I think not.
The ministry after Jimmy's sermon involved some powerful encounters with God! A Fire Tunnel meant everyone had a fresh touch of Heaven's Wine. And then me... Well, toward "the end" of the night I decided to go through the Fire Tunnel myself (I was praying for people) and I walked past Janet Wheeler he prophesied "make him drunk, Lord. He can't do this job sober!" Now, let me tell you, I have been consumed with the Love of Heaven before, but never like that! Last night, for the first time in my life, I was too drunk to drive home! It was incredible! God was ministering deeply to me, and I lay on the floor till the last few people in church.
So my friend Andrew and my wife carry me to the car, and my mind is completely set on the things of Heaven. Suddenly, as we turn on to Old Main Road in Pinetown, approaching the nearest Traffic Lights directly in front of the church, there... sitting on one of those traffic lights IS AN OWL!!!!!
I couldn't believe it!! Corinne did a U-turn to go back and check it out, and sure enough, it must've been the biggest Owl I have ever seen! Sitting on a traffic light directly outside our church in central Pinetown after one of the most amazing church services ever! Yep, God was confirming a whole lot!
It was unbelievable. I cannot even begin to describe the excitement I felt when I saw that Owl. I had been thinking about owls since reading the passage of the book earlier in the week. Then the chameleon. Then I actually see an owl! I was (and still am) so excited for what God is saying in this significant time.
What is it that He is saying? Well, firstly, the prophetic significance of an Owl is that it represents the "apostolic". An owl can see things from a distance in very dark places. And it hunts rats. The church is moving into an age whereby they will go into the so called "darkest places" and see exactly what needs to happen for Heaven to invade those situations. And they will hunt the "rats" of this age, the forces of darkness. The Kingdom of Heaven is coming like a flood, and the forces of darkness no longer have anywhere to hide!
I believe the chameleon we saw in the morning represented the changing season our church was in. The moth represented people flocking to us, the Light, for deliverance, healing and salvation. And the Owl represented the purpose we were moving into: An apostolic focus whereby each and every member of the church will know they are sown like seed into the world, ready to terrorise the servants of darkness and usher in the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I think about it, I just get so excited! As I have said only this week on my Facebook page... "Aslan is on the move."
God is speaking all the time. We just need to listen! May you hear and see what it is He is saying to you today, and may it change your life forever!
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