Is Oscar Pistorius Guilty? A Pastor's Perspective
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Now back to this Post...
This Oscar Pistorious story has shocked everyone. To the core. No one is left unaffected by the tragedy of Reeva Steenkamp's death on Valentine's morning. No matter who you are, or what your background, this story simply rocks you.
Before I go any further, I want to pay homage to the beautiful person that Reeva Steenkamp was. She, and her family, is the tragic victim in this nightmare. One of the most unfortunate victims you'll ever read about. I dedicate this post to her and her family, who have lost an angel in their lives. I can only imagine the pain of losing someone as close as my beautiful wife Corinne or precious son Joel. I don't know how I would carry on.
I don't know how Reeva's family will carry on. My heart goes out to them, along with my deepest sympathies. Whatever the outcome of the trial, whatever is said in that courtroom or beyond, Reeva will always be the hero who deserves the highest commemoration. This post is dedicated to her memory.
Like everyone else, I was stunned when I heard that Oscar was in jail. Much like when the Twin Towers were struck by aircraft or when Nelson Mandela was released from prison; I will always remember where I was. I was in my car driving to work listening to national station 5fm. I caught only the tailend of the headlines that simply announced: "Recapping your top story; Oscar Pistorious arrested in the early hours of this morning."
I immediately went to Twitter to find out what I could be missing (the number 1 source for breaking news since 2010). It slowly unfolded. Oscar had shot and killed his girlfriend in his home in Pretoria in the early hours of Valentine's Day.
Surely not? Surely I was reading a sick Twitter joke? But as much as we all wanted this horror to be imagination; the cold hard facts slowly set in stone. Oscar had indeed been the one to end Reeva's life with his own 9mm pistol. It still remains unbelievable. Oscar Pistorious. The South African hero that united a nation. The champion who proved to all that nothing was impossible, no matter your challenges or disabilities.
Twitter moved from Town Crier to Kangaroo Court. People poured out their judgment with deep conviction. How unfortunate that it is so much easier to express such conviction when sitting behind the comfort of a computer screen.
Two distinct camps have developed with a deep trench of opinion separating them. One camp up in arms at the cold-blooded brutality of another womaniser. The other desperate to defend the dignity of their disabled darling.
What is the truth? Will we ever find out? I believe we will. But I have a feeling that one of those camps won't believe it is indeed the truth.
I wanted to write this post from my perspective as a pastor. When I read in the Sunday paper that a pastor had visited Oscar in prison on Saturday, I obviously thought of myself as a pastor, and how I would have dealt with the situation if I were asked to minister to him.
To be vulnerably honest with you; I don't know what I would've said. There are many a times when a pastor doesn't know what to say. Despite what you may believe about pastors, we do not have the answer for everything. This being a classic case in point.
Oscar has made a grave mistake, whether intentional or unintentional Premeditated or accidental. But reminding him of how big a mistake he has made will never bring Reeva back. He will carry the weight of his actions for all his days. If he allows, Jesus will gladly heal him of the hurt he has experienced. But even Jesus' healing power will not remove the memory of what has happened. And Jesus knows that.
We cannot allow our insatiable desire for justice and revenge make Oscar a scapegoat. We must trust the legal system of our country. And despite what many of the South African doomsday naysayers may believe; our legal system has a lot going for it.
Oscar is up against one of the most prominent, effective and ruthless prosecutors in the world; Gerrie Nel. Anyone who wins a case against Advocate Gerrie Nel must be telling the truth.
Oscar's affidavit of what happened was read out in court yesterday at his bail hearing. He is saying that he heard noises in the bathroom and thought immediately it was an intruder. You can read the full statement here.
Why would anyone of Oscar's pedigree lie under oath? Has our society so degraded into the abyss of immorality that we no longer trust the sworn statements of our heroes? What have we become?
We allow deceit, infidelity and promiscuity to become our staple media diet, but we expect people born under the same diet to somehow act differently? It's like praising fish for their ability to swim, but when they jump out the water we are shocked at their inability to walk.
Having said that, I don't believe Oscar Pistorious is of the same ilk that is portrayed in our favourite movies, novels, sitcoms and pitiful "reality" TV shows. I believe he is a man of at least some honour. Enough to tell the truth under a sworn statement in the highest court of law.
Like everyone else who has walked this planet bar Christ Himself, he is by no means perfect. But despite the shortcomings of the produce of our society, the good within humanity is far greater than what we give ourselves credit for. Without descending into the depths of theological debate on the depravity of mankind; I believe there is good at the heart of humanity. And Oscar deserves the same faith.
I stand to be corrected. I am even happy to be wrong. But what ever happened to the classic principle of common law that declares suspects "innocent until proven guilty"? This is where I stand at this point in time.
Oscar must be innocent until proven guilty. This is how humans should deal with one another. Always (yes, always) extending the benefit of the doubt.
I don't know if Oscar Pistorious is guilty or not. But right now, I believe his statement. I don't believe his statement because he deserves my faith in him, I believe his statement because that's the humane thing to do.
How do you feel about this tragedy?
Do you remember where you were when you first heard the news?
Do you believe Oscar Pistorious is telling the truth?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Now back to this Post...
This Oscar Pistorious story has shocked everyone. To the core. No one is left unaffected by the tragedy of Reeva Steenkamp's death on Valentine's morning. No matter who you are, or what your background, this story simply rocks you.
Before I go any further, I want to pay homage to the beautiful person that Reeva Steenkamp was. She, and her family, is the tragic victim in this nightmare. One of the most unfortunate victims you'll ever read about. I dedicate this post to her and her family, who have lost an angel in their lives. I can only imagine the pain of losing someone as close as my beautiful wife Corinne or precious son Joel. I don't know how I would carry on.
I don't know how Reeva's family will carry on. My heart goes out to them, along with my deepest sympathies. Whatever the outcome of the trial, whatever is said in that courtroom or beyond, Reeva will always be the hero who deserves the highest commemoration. This post is dedicated to her memory.
Like everyone else, I was stunned when I heard that Oscar was in jail. Much like when the Twin Towers were struck by aircraft or when Nelson Mandela was released from prison; I will always remember where I was. I was in my car driving to work listening to national station 5fm. I caught only the tailend of the headlines that simply announced: "Recapping your top story; Oscar Pistorious arrested in the early hours of this morning."
I immediately went to Twitter to find out what I could be missing (the number 1 source for breaking news since 2010). It slowly unfolded. Oscar had shot and killed his girlfriend in his home in Pretoria in the early hours of Valentine's Day.
Surely not? Surely I was reading a sick Twitter joke? But as much as we all wanted this horror to be imagination; the cold hard facts slowly set in stone. Oscar had indeed been the one to end Reeva's life with his own 9mm pistol. It still remains unbelievable. Oscar Pistorious. The South African hero that united a nation. The champion who proved to all that nothing was impossible, no matter your challenges or disabilities.
Twitter moved from Town Crier to Kangaroo Court. People poured out their judgment with deep conviction. How unfortunate that it is so much easier to express such conviction when sitting behind the comfort of a computer screen.
Two distinct camps have developed with a deep trench of opinion separating them. One camp up in arms at the cold-blooded brutality of another womaniser. The other desperate to defend the dignity of their disabled darling.
What is the truth? Will we ever find out? I believe we will. But I have a feeling that one of those camps won't believe it is indeed the truth.
I wanted to write this post from my perspective as a pastor. When I read in the Sunday paper that a pastor had visited Oscar in prison on Saturday, I obviously thought of myself as a pastor, and how I would have dealt with the situation if I were asked to minister to him.
To be vulnerably honest with you; I don't know what I would've said. There are many a times when a pastor doesn't know what to say. Despite what you may believe about pastors, we do not have the answer for everything. This being a classic case in point.
Oscar has made a grave mistake, whether intentional or unintentional Premeditated or accidental. But reminding him of how big a mistake he has made will never bring Reeva back. He will carry the weight of his actions for all his days. If he allows, Jesus will gladly heal him of the hurt he has experienced. But even Jesus' healing power will not remove the memory of what has happened. And Jesus knows that.
We cannot allow our insatiable desire for justice and revenge make Oscar a scapegoat. We must trust the legal system of our country. And despite what many of the South African doomsday naysayers may believe; our legal system has a lot going for it.
Oscar is up against one of the most prominent, effective and ruthless prosecutors in the world; Gerrie Nel. Anyone who wins a case against Advocate Gerrie Nel must be telling the truth.
Oscar's affidavit of what happened was read out in court yesterday at his bail hearing. He is saying that he heard noises in the bathroom and thought immediately it was an intruder. You can read the full statement here.
Why would anyone of Oscar's pedigree lie under oath? Has our society so degraded into the abyss of immorality that we no longer trust the sworn statements of our heroes? What have we become?
We allow deceit, infidelity and promiscuity to become our staple media diet, but we expect people born under the same diet to somehow act differently? It's like praising fish for their ability to swim, but when they jump out the water we are shocked at their inability to walk.
Having said that, I don't believe Oscar Pistorious is of the same ilk that is portrayed in our favourite movies, novels, sitcoms and pitiful "reality" TV shows. I believe he is a man of at least some honour. Enough to tell the truth under a sworn statement in the highest court of law.
Like everyone else who has walked this planet bar Christ Himself, he is by no means perfect. But despite the shortcomings of the produce of our society, the good within humanity is far greater than what we give ourselves credit for. Without descending into the depths of theological debate on the depravity of mankind; I believe there is good at the heart of humanity. And Oscar deserves the same faith.
I stand to be corrected. I am even happy to be wrong. But what ever happened to the classic principle of common law that declares suspects "innocent until proven guilty"? This is where I stand at this point in time.
Oscar must be innocent until proven guilty. This is how humans should deal with one another. Always (yes, always) extending the benefit of the doubt.
I don't know if Oscar Pistorious is guilty or not. But right now, I believe his statement. I don't believe his statement because he deserves my faith in him, I believe his statement because that's the humane thing to do.
How do you feel about this tragedy?
Do you remember where you were when you first heard the news?
Do you believe Oscar Pistorious is telling the truth?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
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