Win A Life-Changing Book, CD or DVD on My Birthday!

James Preston 8 8:56 AM
Don't you love birthdays?  I know many people see it as another day, but I am the sentimental type, I really enjoy celebrating the day and I appreciate all the love one tends to get.  I think it's a good opportunity for people to honour one another.  We don't do it often enough in this society of ours, and so at least we make up for it a bit once a year in people's lives.

Ok, so considering today is my birthday, I want to give YOU something today!  For those that don't know, I run the bookshop at my local church in Durban (Highway Christian Community) and also have the privilege of being the primary distributor of New Nature Publication's material here in Southern Africa (We are still working on getting these powerful materials into mainline bookstores, so your prayers are appreciated!)

And so, I want to give 3 lucky (and hungry) people each a book from the selection we have in our bookshop.  Our vision is to provide material that reveals the Goodness, Grace and Love of God and equip the children of God to be everything God has qualified and made them to be and to walk in their inheritance.  To do that, we have some powerful books available!

Now, I am going to show you what we have available in our bookshop, and then I'm going to give you the chance to win.  It's really simple to win!  There are three outlets that I will be giving the book away through...  Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter.  I will choose 1 winner per platform.

In order to win, here's what you have to do for the various platforms:

Blogger:  Comment on this blog post telling me which book you want, why you want it, and how much you want it.  The most creative, inspirational, hungry comment will win the book!  You will have to keep an eye on the comments section to see if you are a winner!

Twitter:  Tweet about my blog using the link below, mentioning me (my profile link is also below) and the person with the most creative or inspirational Tweet will win!  You must use the following 2 links below:
My Twitter Profile:    @JamesPrest0n
The shortened link to my blog:

(You need to copy it exact!)

Facebook:  Post a status linking to my blog (link below) and tag me (James Preston) in the post and again, the most creative or inspirational status will win!

James Preston's blog: 

Don't forget to tag me in the status post, or else I won't know you've entered!

So that's how you enter!  I will announce the winners at 8am (Central African Time) tomorrow (8 February).  So good luck!

I will post the prizes to the winners wherever they may be in the world!

The winners will be able to choose any one of the following materials:

Extra Virgin Grace by Ryan Rufus
A powerful book that highlights the extremity of God's Grace and using the Scripture skillfully to show it!

He Qualifies You! by Chad Mansbridge
Get ready to be transformed as you realise how qualified you have become through Jesus' Finished Work!

Highway to Grace by Steve Wheeler
A radical testimony of how a significant church in Durban transitioned an entire congregation from preaching a mixture of Law and Grace into preaching the Pure, Undiluted Gospel of God's Grace and Love for His people!

Invading the Impossible
Discover how you can invade the impossible through the powerful work of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross!

Sanctification by Grace by Ryan Rufus
A word that many Christians fear, true sanctification has a lot more to do with what God does than what you could ever do in your own strength!

So You Think Your Mind Is Renewed? by Cornel Marais
A book that takes a deep look into what so many people have come to believe through tradition, and breaks those lies using the Powerful Truths of Scripture.

Do Christians Still Have a Sinful Nature? by Ryan Rufus
A book that will set you free as you realise Jesus crucified your sinful nature on the Cross and you have a New Nature within!

Glory to Glory CD by Bonnie Whaley (Rufus)
A powerful selection of Glory-filled tracks sure to take you into the Glory Realm!

Wide Open Spaces CD by Colours For A Canvas
A powerful CD of easy listening Gospel-based music from a great upcoming band!

God's Kind of Love For You DVD by Andrew Wommack
A DVD series that reveals how much God actually loves you!

The New You DVD by Andrew Wommack
A DVD series that reveals how NEW you have been made through Jesus' Finished Work of the Cross!

Where the Fire Is CD by Anneline Breetzke
A powerful CD of glorious praise and worship by a powerful woman of God!

 Sharper Than A 2-Edged Sword by Andrew Wommack
A powerful selection of teachings by Andrew Wommack that will give you foundational understanding of the basics of Scripture.

God Wants You Well by Andrew Wommack
A great tool to renew your mind to understand that it is God's will to heal you (and others)!

Destined To Reign Devotional by Joseph Prince
A selection of devotionals based on Joseph Prince's bestselling book Destined to Reign that are sure to encourage you and inspire you each day!

So there you go friends!  Get cracking, and good luck!


"Highway to Grace" watch my Facebook status :)

Check out this AMAZING preach by James Preston!!! It felt like he was speaking straight into my heart!!! Without Vision my people cast off restraint!

'Invading the Impossible' would be an amazing addition to my book shelf -more and more God is speaking to me about renewing my identity - and once I fully understand who I am truly nothing will be impossible. The thing is that revelations that I have not only impact me - but all of those that I have in my care. I know without a doubt that God is going to use the youth of iGNITE to take a city for the glory of Jesus. As a leader I need to take responsibity to myself and renew my mind - and a book like this would be an amazing tool. So for me to win this book would be sowing into the life of a revivalist that is destined to walk in the steps of Jesus and turn a city around for His Glory. BAM!!!

Jean Baird Pomeroy-Ward February 8, 2012 at 4:40 PM

Very kind of you to bless others for your birthday. I have moved to Greytown and part of a lovely Church with a Rehabilitation Centre where I go and meet with the "precious ladies" every week. Was trying to win something that would impact their lives in their time in "their temporary home". It is so rewarding spending time ministering with them. Will come to your shop instead when I am next in Pinetown. Hope you have been really blessed today. Lotsaluv

It would be a total blessing to win "Sharper than a two-edged sword" I always pray for God to lead me to good books and this one is definitely one book. My desire to draw closer to Jesus and for Him to reveal Himself to me is my only desire. I live for Jesus... He has done so much for me and I am in awe of his goodness, love and grace.... We serve a MIGHTY God.... Such awesomeness.....

I was just in a car accident! Even though thankfuly not seriouse, but I think that deserves a book LOL

What a wonderful idea - hope I make the blessing?

I have been on FIRE for God for most of my life as long as I can remember. I enjoy studying scriptures too and try to understand what God is trying to say. But somehow last year my fire has died a little. I think it is due to my long trial I am going through. I want to feel God close to me again I did before and get guided by theHoly Spirit again. I have been asking God for help. I see the "Santification by Grace" by Ryan Rufus book and I know it will help me. I won't give up and keep on knocking on God's door so that I can feel on FIRE again and be in love with God as I have been all my life.

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