Glory & Grace, Durban 2011 - Diary 2

James Preston 1 7:23 AM
It's Saturday morning and I am already getting that feeling when you know a good thing is coming to an end.  Although we probably have at least 2 power-packed sessions awaiting us today and 2 equally powerful services tomorrow (Sunday).  But here we are...  Saturday morning.  The majority of the conference is behind us.

By now hundreds of people would have been given fresh vision from God for their lives; or set free from guilt and condemnation into the Glorious Freedom of being a Son or Daughter of God; or been healed of a critical disease.  God has done so much already.

Yesterday started off with the weather deciding to defy the weather predictions of my most trusted weather forecaster; AccuWeather.  What was meant to start off sunny was in fact a downpour of heavy rain that didn't stop for most of the day!  But it didn't stop the people from making their way to Highway to hear what Rob Rufus or Fini de Gersigny had to say that day.

Rob shared for most of the day, taking the first 2 morning sessions and next 2 afternoon sessions.  He took us through most of his history as a pastor from 1981 all the way through to where he is today.  Taking us on a journey of being bound by religion, a revelation of faith, the countless opportunities he's had to pray for the sick, and focussed mostly on the "anointing" Presence of God.  Stating the difference between praying for the sick from the "anointing" and praying for the sick from authority.

They were deeply impacting sessions as the Holy Spirit was tangibly present throughout them.  Mostly because I believe He loves to confirm His Message and so comes in to make His Presence known to those hearing about Him.

It truly was a privilege to listen to Rob impart of their 30 years Glenda and him have been pastors, what they've learnt, and what they've inherited throughout those 30 years.  As we were listening, we felt as if God was imparting to us those years of history and learning and we were being quickened to the same level of understanding and revelation.  And immense privilege that keeps one humbled.  It actually confirmed what God spoke to Rob in his early years, where God said to Rob that if he continued to go after Him, and learn and draw all he can from the leading of the Holy Spirit, God would bless other people in his latter years with the same gifting, experience and anointing in only a matter of hours.  Friday the 29th of July was a fulfillment of that prophecy.  (I say "a" because I am sure he will continue to impart for years to come!)

And the evening session...  Worship was just downright electric!  Fini and Isi with their son Jordan on drums led us into intimate, deep places with God that every human being longs for!  They are moments you will remember for all your life.  Again, the Power of God was so tangible people were crying, laughing hysterically, crumbling under the weight of His Manifest Glory, and receiving greater outpourings of the Spirit and Love of God!  I personally found myself at one stage completely unable to stand and all that was left to give in to the Full Weight of His Glory as I crashed into the chairs behind me!  The Lord continued to release Powerful Heavenly Voltage through my body as He spoke to me about some significant opportunities to come.  God was encountering His people like this throughout the entire room during this powerful time of worship and adoration!

It must've lasted well over an hour, maybe even 2, but who really knows (or cares) when God is tangibly present?

Isi then got up and released a prophetic word for the sons of God in this significant hour in history.  She shared a message about the "Age of Innocence".  That we are a prophetic people called to release people from guilt, shame and the bondages that come with that into the innocence of the Lord!  She was stirring up the prophetic voice in every child of God to speak boldly and with courage, and inviting them to partner with God in seeing those lives transformed.

It was wild.  It always is at times such as these.  But it was a holy wild.  God's Spirit was touching people and opening their spiritual eyes throughout her preaching.  It was clearly evident!  But there was a holy focus and intent on people as they listened in to what the Lord was releasing through Isi that night.

The night ended with an invitation for prayer for fresh Rivers of Heaven's Wine to be poured out over people.  Someone, I think it was Steve Wheeler, said if you want that prayer, come up on stage.  I am not sure how good an idea that was as the entire stage was packed!  Fini's face was one of "uh-oh!  HOW are we going to do this?"  Hahaha!  They managed just fine and again God continued to pour out His Fire on people in dynamic and transformational ways.  It continued for me too, as God was releasing new purposes, new dreams and new insight over so many people that night.

Eventually the time came for me to get going...  10h30pm!  Usually meetings like that finish before 10pm allowing people to grab a coffee or visit the bookshop.  That wasn't happening as the coffee and bookshops remained dead quiet while people were caught up in the Heavenly realm!  When I left, there was still about half of the crowd there absolutely lost in Heaven and not wanting to move.  It is times like those that I am thankful our full-time security guard works on the property, and that he is such a patient and humble man!  I thanked him and his team profusely when I left!

And now today...  The final "official" day of the conference (although still great services tomorrow) and there is still so much to be done in people's lives and in our city!  I cannot wait.

Don't forget you can follow some updates with quotes from the sessions on my Twitter account and see some photos of the day on my Facebook.

Until the next entry...

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