Close Your Eyes, Jump, Hope For The Best!

James Preston Reply 7:23 AM
I'm really proud to introduce my incredible wife for the first time on this Blog. Despite me encouraging her over the years that she has much to offer, she's never taken the plunge of actually doing some serious writing!
But the other night after an interesting day and coffee with a friend, she had unusual inspiration to journal her emotions coming out of the day. When I read it, I knew it had to be published somewhere! What better place to start than my Blog! Enjoy this great piece from my incredible wife Corinne. Please drop a comment and leave your thoughts afterwards!


My mom gave me a gold nugget of advice recently, she said, "sometimes you just have to close your eyes, jump and hope for the best." - this seems to be true wisdom...

Today I mourn  the loss of a good friend who is a legacy leaver, she left our world at 03:30 this morning, my Facebook has not stopped with tributes, condolences and loving memories of this incredible woman Gail Parker. She gave life to so many: her family, her children and all she came into contact with! She personally taught me to get on with the job.
"Just do it, don't worry how... the hows will come as long as you start." - I can hear her words in my mind like it was yesterday.

I have come to realise that the most interesting people in life are those that take risks! Those that have more stories of failures than success, hardships than plain easy sailing, cause what is failure after all? What do we measure the word failure against? Perhaps you have only failed if you have not learnt from your mistakes.

There is LIFE in jumping, taking that risk! Not knowing how it's all going to work out, riding on the opportunities of new exciting ventures some working and some just not going anywhere, that's okay, as long as you're learning, as long as life does t get you down.

I sat in a coffee shop listening to an old friend of mine as she was telling me about her exciting life in Zambia. By no means a piece of cake... She is home schooling two beautiful children with a third on the way, she has lived with no electricity at times, lived in a tent for 2 months with her two children, moved house plenty times, had months where they did not know where their next salary would come from, endured the hardships of different cultures, looks after 70-80 sheep every day with her two children, not unwise to the crocs and snakes that lurk near in the river below their home and the hippos that arrive when the rains come. Let alone the malaria and typhoid that are constant challenges! And the story goes on and on...

YET she looks at me, her eyes are beaming full of life, there is a richness a deep beauty that is no fake, no mask, this woman has true character, flexibility, grace and strength. This woman knows love, knows how to love and oozes wisdom (She is turns 30 this year). She does not harp on the challenges, she speaks about the goodness of God, she loves her life and you can see it. She enjoys the challenges and gets over the hard days when they do come, many hours spent in prayer next to her bed! I say it again; I look at her and see radiance. She is truly happy, and she sees her life as one exciting adventure.

I came home inspired, what if life is more exciting taking that jump? Allowing myself to take a risk and make an exchange to live a life with no regrets rather than focusing on my ducks that need to be in a row? This option seems safe, but on the other hand could be quite boring! Gail's words echo in the back of my mind, "just do it, don't worry how... the hows will come to you" along with my mom's words, "sometimes we just need to to close our eyes, jump and hope for the best."

What are we scared off? Can we fail? I don't think so... I think the knocks of life make us stronger, make us flexible, gives us wisdom, force the masks of fickleness and shallowness to dissipate and bring out a strength and beauty that this world cannot buy.

So don' t be scared now... I say..."Close your eyes, jump and enjoy the ride!"

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