The 81st Academy Awards: 2009 Oscars
Yet, not all is lost for us Batman frenzied fans of the shadowy caped hero! The remarkable production did receive 8 nominations for this year's Oscars. Including the expected "Best Supporting Actor" nomination for Heath Ledger as he wowed audiences with his outrageous performance as The Joker. Although, many have argued it should've been classified as a lead role. The full list of nominations for The Dark Knight, the second highest earning film of all-time, are listed below. I have also bracketed what I believe will be the biggest competition the film will have for each award.
The Dark Knight’s Oscar Nominations
(Biggest competition listed in brackets):
-Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
-Achievement in Art Direction
-Achievement in Cinematography
-Achievement in Makeup
-Achievement in Sound Editing
-Achievement in Sound Mixing
(The Curious Case For Benjamin Button)
As you can see, it will be no easy task for The Dark Knight to walk away with any of these awards, as the competition is stiff to say the least! I often had trouble deciding which of the nominated films would be the toughest competition.

Come the 22nd of February 2009, see we shall. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button could well re-write the history books. Already notching up 13 (yes, 13!) nominations! It won't be easy to beat this masterful cinematic artwork.
Considering my blog has produced a couple of predictions of late (Barack Obama and the Dark Knight) and considering I have a 50% record; why not have another bash?
My predictions for the following 2009 Oscars are:

Brad Pitt for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight.
Meryl Streep for Doubt.
Taraji Henson for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
-Animated Feature Film:
-Art Direction:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (This one's going to be close!)
The Dark Knight
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight (Another close one, here!)
-Foreign Language Film:
Waltz With Bashir.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
-Music (Song):
-Best Picture:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
-Animated Short Film:
The Dark Knight.
-Sound Mixing:
The Dark Knight.
(Eish, these last two were tough calls!)
-Visual Effects:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
-Adapted Screenplay Writing:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
-Original Screenplay Writing:
So there you have it! My predictions for the biggest awards ceremony of the year! Don't be surprised if I get a few wrong. But rest assured I will be taking some credit for any correct predictions. And if I get all my predictions right... Well, you come up with a fitting gift! :-)
Until next time...